How is lil nas x gay

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Me theorizing that Lil Nas X wanted to get sued by Nike so that he could execute the perfect marketing campaign and have Kanye, a known a Nike hater, co-produce Industry Baby /4xCD9yYBrA

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Lil Nas X uses his prison themed “Industry Baby” video as a fundraiser for the Bail Project which is a nonprofit that combatting mass incarceration. The shirt tuck is required, we don’t make the rules. Me singing Lil Nas X and Jack Harlow verse on Industry Baby /2tRotsauAD Hit the showers as we dive into the reactions to “Industry Baby”. We busted through the threads to find the best reactions to Lil Nas X’s newest music video. Of course, Twitter is more than happy to see more of Lil Nas X flaunting his authentic self, proving he is the gay icon of the century. The new Lil Nas X song, produced by Kayne West and guest starring rapper Jack Harlow, proves that Lil Nas X is truly a gay icon as he takes over a prison with his amazing dance moves and hot lyrics, ending it with a twist right out of The Shawshank Redemption. Lil Nas X’s latest music video for his song “Industry Baby” dropped today and the internet is going crazy over it. Lil Nas X has proven once again that he is the gay icon.

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By: Nicole Zamlout Is Lil Nas X a gay icon? His “Industry Baby” music video proves it

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