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Featuring an all-star cast: Vince Rockland and Zach Riohards in Italy Mason Flynt and Duncan Mills in 19th century France peter Wilder and Thomas Lloyd in the Old West and Max Grand and Michael Crawford in West Hollywood. This peculiar 90 minute Director's Cut features all the XXX act previously accessible throughout mail order merely. a magical fairy tale where this enchanted object travels throughout time to answer the prayers of lonely chaps in the 19th century France, the Old West, and West Hollywood.

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Turning around, his shock pretty soon turns to delight as this chab realizes that this dream is actually for his fun. First one sounds like it covers a lot, so check it out and. Gazing into the mirror, the monk is surprised to watch the reflection of a dream fantasy stud behind him. An adult archive that mainly concentrates on four categories: porn, fetish, hentai and gay.

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Magically, a mirror arrives at the monastery, supposedly endowed with specific powers. The year is 1960 - a lonely Italian monk yearns to explore his fleshly side. Genres: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Outdoors, Muscle Men Cast: Duncan Mills, Mason Flynt, Max Grand, Michael Crawford, Peter Wilder, Thomas Lloyd, Vince Rockland, Zach Richards

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